Colleen Bickel

M. Colleen Bickel was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. A dancer since the age of four, she has always loved all types of movement as well as learning new ways of conditioning, strengthening, lengthening, and toning. She has experimented with dance, yoga, TRX, Kettlebells, Ideokinesis, Franklin method, myofascial release systems, and Somatics; but once she discovered Pilates, she was hooked for life. Colleen began her Pilates journey as a BFA dance major at the University of Utah. She continued her studies while dancing professionally in Utah, New York, and touring throughout the USA. However, it was after bilateral knee surgery that she realized how important Pilates was to her daily life and recovery, and she knew she wanted to share this amazing knowledge. Colleen trained at True Pilates New York under the tutelage of Sari Meija Santo (Romana Kryzanowska’s daughter). In her spare time Colleen loves to read, cook, and drink wine, and is also pursuing a Doctorate in Physical Therapy at the University of Washington.